Live Or Evergreen Webinars – Which Is Better?

It depends! Here are my thoughts…

Live webinars work best when it’s the FIRST time you’re launching something (a new digital product or membership). I recommend live webinars so you can sell an offer (before it’s created) and then build it with your students live in real time. Once it’s created, then you can turn it to an automated evergreen webinar. Evergreen basically means that it is continuously going/running.

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Another time it’s great to do a live webinar is when there’s a time sensitive reason for it. This is most often the case when you’re selling something that starts at a set point in time – like digital course where you’re offering group coaching or 1:1 sessions as a bonus.

Live webinars also work well when you plan to teach. I’ve seen clients do “non-selling” webinars where the whole goal is to show people their skills, and the natural occurrence of that is people wanting to work with you AND pay you money for it.

Automated webinars (evergreen) work best for everything else. And I know that there is lots of advice out there that says, “Live converts better than evergreen” – but while that is true, there is this one small problem — show up rate.

Show up rates for live webinars are usually around 25-30%. Show up rates on evergreen are closer to 60-70%. So even if your conversion rate is lower on an evergreen webinar, you have more people watching than live. If you have a crappy conversion rate and show up rate, this is going to be a disaster for you. This tells you two main things, 1. Your offer is something that needs to be re-looked at and 2. Your webinar/sales pitch could use improvement.

Spend the time getting your LIVE webinar RIGHT, so that when you do decide to go evergreen, everything works and flows without you. I say without you because this is less manual labor for you in the long run and MORE passive income for you as well {money while you sleep}!

So what do you think…live or evergreen?

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Melissa from Litchfield Media writes about all the tips and tricks to run successful and profitable ads in your business. So you can be getting clients in the background.

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