How to Write Compelling Ad Copy

I recently took a mini course on writing compelling ad copy because as a Facebook Ad Specialist I ALWAYS want to be improving on my advertising skills – and a large part of that includes coming up with headlines and writing compelling ad copy. For headlines I found this resource here, this website will analyze your ad copy headline. For FB ads I do recommend having 48-50 characters in your headline.

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Ok now that you’ve brainstormed some great headlines to use let’s think about the ad copy for a second here.

You want to make sure you touch on 5 main things:

  1. Show your target audience how you’re going to help solve their problem (or how your product will solve their problems). -What is the end solution and how you are going to help them get there?

  2. Include an emotional trigger or connection. – Determine who your ideal customer/client is and appeal to that persona. Focus on resolving a fear or concern.

  3. Focus on the benefits of your service or product. – How and why people NEED this product/service….explain. What makes it different?

  4. Create URGENCY or FOMO. – We want buyers to buy or people opting into your funnels to click asap!

  5. Include a Call to Action (CTA). – Tell them exactly what they need to do after reading the ad copy.

Most ad copy is talking about a…


These also all indicate different stages of the customer journey and where they fall in your sales funnel.

So are you going to write some ad copy today?!

Related Blog Posts: How To Drive Traffic Organically To Your Sales Funnel, Email Lists VS. a HUGE Social Media Following


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Melissa from Litchfield Media writes about all the tips and tricks to run successful and profitable ads in your business. So you can be getting clients in the background.

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