I’ve come across a few potential clients lately that solely focus on social media growth. While that’s gravy and all I don’t think that should be your main focus. Having a large social media following is great but would you be able to SELL to this audience? Would they even see your posts or stories? […]


the latest

I’ve come across a few potential clients lately that solely focus on social media growth. While that’s gravy and all I don’t think that should be your main focus. Having a large social media following is great but would you be able to SELL to this audience? Would they even see your posts or stories? […]

Digital Marketing

Email Lists VS. a HUGE Social Media Following

I recently did a free audit on an ad account for a friend. Going over what ads they ran as they asked why they might not be working etc. It reminded me that I see the same mistakes over and over and OVER for years now in people’s ad accounts. So here’s my top tips […]


The TOP 3 Mistakes You’re Making in Your Ad Campaigns

Ads Category

Digital Marketing


