Facebook is a great platform to talk to existing and even potential customers. With a demographic of 210 million subscribers in the US alone, that’s a good number of chances to acquire new customers and at the same time, 210 million ways to reach everyone as this increases your credibility and promotes your business by […]


the latest

Facebook is a great platform to talk to existing and even potential customers. With a demographic of 210 million subscribers in the US alone, that’s a good number of chances to acquire new customers and at the same time, 210 million ways to reach everyone as this increases your credibility and promotes your business by […]

Ads, Entrepreneurship

Why Small Businesses Should Consider Using Facebook Ads

You might be wondering…ummm why are you saying this is a ad hack? Why would you want an ad that doesn’t have a headline, image or title/description. Well my friend, I scoured the internet to see if Dark Posts were still a thing in hopes of helping a client’s conversion improve. Depending on what industry […]


Ad Hack: Unpublished Page Posts

My first tip for you would be to place your pixel on your website, I know I’ve talked about this before but this will tie into my second tip for when you’re targeting your warm audiences.Ok now that you’re pixel is placed on your website I want you to go live on Facebook 3x a […]

Ads, Entrepreneurship

Quick Wins For a Facebook Ad Newbie

Can you use before and after pictures in your Facebook ads? The simple answer: Nope. It’s against Facebook’s advertising policy. To read more on this go here: https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/ Are there ways to getting around this? YES.     Here are a few ideas on where to place your Before and Afters: In the comments of […]


Using Before and After Picture in Your Ads

Throwing some ads up and targeting a very BROAD audience is a sure fire way to say BUH BYE to your hard earned moolah. Did you know it’s better to sell to a specific person on Facebook rather than to try and sell to everyone? This is why it’s important to nail down your ideal […]


Targeting the Right Audience In Your Ads

    Should I boost posts from my Facebook page? The answer is going to be no. However, if you’ve seen great results from boosting a post here and there, then great! Keep on boosting. BUT please don’t let Facebook Page Boosts be your marketing strategy. Creating ads within the Facebook Ad App or within […]

Ads, Digital Marketing

Facebook Page Boosts : Should You Do It?

    If you saw my first blog post this is kinda a follow-up to that post. Here are some tips to avoid all of those mistakes that I typically see when small businesses and entrepreneurs are running ads on Facebook. So when should you start running ads? Is your business brand new? If you […]


When Should You Start Running Facebooks Ads? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

    We are going to dive right in, you ready? No Facebook Pixels Placed If you’re running ads on Facebook, it’s really important that you have the standard event pixels placed on your entire website and all of your landing pages (Page View, Lead, Initiate Checkout, Purchase, etc.). Most small businesses and entrepreneurs will […]


Running Facebook Ads: The 5 Biggest Mistakes I See

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Digital Marketing


